Shutters & Steering Wheels

Given that a car crash was part of the reason that finally prompted the purchase of my fancy DSLR camera 1 1/2 years ago (more on that later!), there must be a few good reasons about why it's not such a good idea to wield said bulky camera behind the steering wheel.... whatever those reasons are, I certainly didn't find them today!  Behold, the car pictures....

I spent the weekend down the Cape, and while driving back I got stuck in traffic on a two lane road.  With a glimpse of a field of purple flowers to my left, I slammed the brakes, turned around, and got out with my flashers blinking to photograph it.  I thought it might have been the Cape Cod Lavender Farm, which I just found out about and am dying to go to and photograph.... instead, it was the front lawn of a private property.  Still gorgeous:

And a close-up:

Well, those couple of pictures led to the end of the end for me.... after all, what's a girl supposed to do while stuck in traffic at sunset?

Above: I got a bokeh in my shot! If you don't know what a bokeh is, click the link.  Bokeh is my latest photography obsession.

(Oh, but of course I managed to catch a sunburst while balancing my camera on the steering wheel in traffic!)

Seriously, there must be a number of logistical reasons of why this is dangerous.  And after this blog post, there may even be a new law going into action about hands-free cameras. Case-in-point, the bridge that I definitely shot a little off center/out of range with my aim:

Despite steering wheel mishaps, that camera will still be in the front seat with me.  So in the meantime, keep those beautiful Cape Cod sunsets coming, and I will find ways to capture them (even if I am stuck in a car in end-of-weekend traffic!)

Brighter Than the Sun

"This is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart.It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun. We could be the stars, falling from the sky, Shining how we want, brighter than the sun."

~Colbie Caillat

Sunbursts.  Sunbeams.  A glimmer.  Rays of sunshine.  Golden light.  A sparkle and a twinkle.  Sun flare.  The clouds part above as the angels sing...  Call it what you want, but it is oh-so-beautiful.  Ever since I first figured out how to capture that on my camera, it's kind of been an obsession of mine.  Quite a few people have told me, "Oh, you can avoid that by using a lens hood."  Oh yes, I certainly have one of those. And oh no, I rarely use it.  I prefer to tilt my lens just so, knowing that I'll have a better chance of getting those twinkling rays to grace my photographs.

And here, for your viewing pleasure, are a few of my favorites.

*My first ever sunburst photo, taken on the Charles River by my home.


*Cape Cod.  A Yarmouth beach at sunset.


*Barcelona, Spain.


*An all-time favorite, and one that has made it to my walls.... Check out that sun flare!  Il Colosseo, Roma.


*The sunlight gave this photo taken in a plaza in Salamanca, Spain a very warm feeling to it...


*And finally, those gorgeous beams hitting an ancient stone entryway in Taormina, Italy.


So really, call it what you want, but there's no denying that those sunbeams are the most amazing thing to "catch" in  your photographs.  Hoping to capture a few in my upcoming sessions.... yet another reason to keep my fingers crossed for some more sunny days!